
Volume 5, Issue 3 (2019)

Editorial Board



How ‘Testing’ Has Become ‘Programmatic Assessment for Learning’
Lambert W.T. Schuwirth and Cees P.M. van der Vleuten

Original Research Reports


‘You Before Me’: A Qualitative Study of Health Care Professionals’ and Students’ Understanding and Experiences of Compassion in the Workplace, Self-compassion, Self-care and Health Behaviours
Helen Egan, Rebecca Keyte, Karen McGowan, Lyanne Peters, Nicole Lemon, Sophie Parsons, Sophie Meadows, Tamara Fardy, Pawandeep Singh, and Michail Mantzios


Guidelines for Creating Written Clinical Reasoning Exams: Insight from a Delphi Study
Évelyne Cambron-Goulet, Jean-Pierre Dumas, Édith Bergeron, Linda Bergeron, and Christina St-Onge


The Evolution of Dental Education in the Philippines
Junhel Dalanon and Yoshizo Matsuka


“Speed up”! The Influences of the Hidden Curriculum on the Professional Identity Development of Medical Students
Gabrielle L. Silveira, Lia K.S. Campos, Marcelo Schweller, Egberto R. Turato, Esther Helmich, and Marco Antonio de Carvalho-Filho


Social Networks as an Approach to Systematic review
Jimmie Leppink and Patricia Pérez-Fuster