Volume 5, Issue 2 (2019)
Editorial Board
How we Underestimate Reliability and Overestimate Resources Needed: Revisiting Our Psychometric Practice
Jimmie Leppink
Factors Associated with Academic Performance in Physician Assistant Graduate Programs and National Certification Examination Scores. A Literature Review
Sierra Moore, Conner Clark, Ashley Haught, Bryce Hinde, Doug Reckner, Jordan Robinson, Aubrey Graham-West, Whitney Wigal, William Childers, and Joseph Horzempa
Original Research Reports
Investigating the Impact of Emotions on Medical Students׳ Learning
Telma Kremer, Silvia Mamede, Milton A. Martins, Patricia Tempski, and Walter W. van den Broek
From Flexner to Rogers: An Inquiry into the Intellectual Origins of Problem-Based Learning at McMaster University Medical School
Virginie F.C. Servant-Miklos
Intra-rater Reliability of the ECHOWS Tool for Real-time Assessment of Physical Therapy Student Interviewing Skills: A Pilot Study
Gretchen A. Seif, Sara V. Kraft, Mark G. Bowden, and Jill S. Boissonnault
Physiotherapy Students’ Experiences with Clinical Reasoning During Clinical Placements: A Qualitative Study
Miriam H. Wijbenga, Thamar J.H. Bovend'Eerdt, and Erik W. Driessen
The 23-item Evidence Based Practice-Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (23-item EBP-KAP) survey: Initial validation among health professional students
Krista C. Ritchie, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, and Andrea Lynn Murphy
Public health education student stereotypes of other health professions before and after an interprofessional education program
Sam White, Susan Lambert, Joseph Visker, J. Christian Banez, Ben Lasser, Taylor Cichon, Marissa Leong, Nicole Dunseith, and Carol Cox
Learning Practical Research Skills Using An Academic Paper Framework – An Innovative, Integrated Approach
Jo Lander, Sean Seeho, and Kirsty Foster