

Background: Competence-Based Medical Education CBME becomes an essential requirement amongst medical education and practice societies. In response to the increasing call for national standard of Saudi medical education, the Denary of Saudi Medical Colleges developed “Saudi MEDs project ” in 2009, which aimed to have a national competence-based framework for medical schools.

Purpose: This paper summarizes Phase II of the Saudi MEDs project, which aims to develop a comprehensive competence-based medical education framework for medical schools. This includes detailed statement of the essential learning outcomes and enabling competences for each domain identified in Phase I of the project.

Method: Triangulation approach is utilized to increase the credibility and validity of research findings. The study consists of two-round Modified Delphi Technique; Focused Group interviews with stakeholders; and structural review by international experts.

Results: The Saudi MEDs framework is expressed as a three-level model; six major themes related to a description of a physician's duties and obligations (Level1), seventeen essential learning outcomes of a physician (Level 2), eighty enabling competences to be fulfilled by all undergraduate medical programs in Saudi Arabia (Level 3).

Discussion: The Saudi MEDs framework is expressed as a three-level model, which provides flexibility to ensures a school autonomy and diversity of contextual curricula. Also the study develop national consensus among stakeholders about the framework and its importance to develop and maintain a quality medical education and practice in the Kingdom. However, successful deployment of the Saudi MEDs required a strategic plan and roadmap.
