Volume 9, Issue 4 (2023)
Examining clinical reasoning through a threshold concept lens
Samantha Wilson-Thain and Lucy Hammond
Does Community of Practice theory apply to virtual postgraduate surgical training?
Sherif Elnikety and Eman Badr
Featured Articles
“It captures the rawness and reality”: Exploring Student Emotion during an Illness Narrative Assignment in Doctor of Physical Therapy Curricula
Gina Gang and Jeffrey Gang
A Scoping Review of the Application of Entrustable Professional Activities in the Undergraduate Medical Education Curriculum
Awad Al Essa, Susan Waller, Ali Al Fazari, and Mohi Eldin Magzoub
Original Research Reports
Student Perspectives and Academic Achievement in a Traditional versus an Integrated Curriculum: Evidence from a Medical School
Radwa Hamdi Bakr Mohamed, Mu’taman Jarrar, Mahdi Saeed Abumadini, Abdulmohsen Al Elq, Mai Abdel Haleem Abusalah, Mohammad Al-Bsheish, Friyal Mubarak Alqahtani, and Ahmad Rayani
Good Practices
Establishing a Culture of Assessment in A New US Pharmacy School: Lessons Learned
Mohammed A. Islam and Suhui Yang
Saudi Medical Education Directives (MEDs) Framework Saudi MEDs Framework
Rania Zaini, Ahmed Al-Rumayyan, Hamza Abdulghani, Khalid AlQumaizi, Azzam Al-Kadi, Abdulmonem Al-Hayani, Saad Alsaedi, Sherif Saleh, and Mohammad AlRukban