Volume 6, Issue 3 (2020)
Editorial Board
The USMLE, Kindness, and Other Criteria for Residency Applicants
Benjamin R. Doolittle
Distance e-Learning is Closer than Everybody Thought: A Pharmacy Education Perspective
Amjad M. Qandil and Heba Abdel-Halim
New Graduate Nurses’ Readiness to Practise: A Narrative Literature Review
Mohamad AlMekkawi and Rouwida El Khalil
Original Research Reports
The Relationship Between Depression, Anxiety, and Burnout Among Physician Assistant Students: A Multi-Institutional Study
Aimee K. Johnson, Sarah R. Blackstone, Ashley Skelly, and Whitney Simmons
Strategies to Combat Burnout During Intense Studying: Utilization of Medical Student Feedback to Alleviate Burnout in Preparation for a High Stakes Examination
Jacob Shreffler, Martin Huecker, Leslee Martin, Susan Sawning, Selena Thé, M. Ann Shaw, Olivia Mittel, and Amy Holthouser
Why Every Clinician Should Know Bayes’ Rule
Bea Tiemens, Renée Wagenvoorde, and Cilia Witteman
Profile of an Allied Health Clinical Supervision Workforce: Results From a Nationally Representative Australian Practice-Based Research Network
Brett Vaughan, Michael Fleischmann, Kylie Fitzgerald, Sandra Grace, Patrick McLaughlin, Brian Jolly, and Steve Trumble
Investigating the Knowledge of Vector Concepts of First Year Medical Students
Hisham N. Bani-Salameh, Kolthoom A. Alkofahi, Hasan M. Al-Khateeb, and Sami H. Alharbi
Experiences of Multidisciplinary Health Professionals From a Culinary Medicine Cultural Immersion: Qualitative Analysis
Melissa D. Olfert, Rachel A. Wattick, and Rebecca L. Hagedorn
Development and Validation of Authorship Order Score (AOS) for Scientific Publication
Nazish Masud, Emad Masuadi, Afaf Moukaddem, Aamir Omair, Mohamud Mohamud, Mohammad Al Dubayee, Alaa Althubaiti, Mohammad Khabti Alnamshan, Manal Bawazeer, and Mohammed I. AlJasser
Multimedia in Education: What do the Students Think?
Tamara Vagg, Joy Y. Balta, Aaron Bolger, and Mutahira Lone
Time Pressure Experienced by Internal Medicine Residents in an Educational Hospital in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Study
Dalal A. ALQahtani, Moeber M. Mahzari, Alanoud A. ALQahtani, and Jerome I. Rotgans
Self-Reported Stress and Coping Strategies of Occupational Therapy Faculty Employed at or Graduated from a Large Midwestern United States University
Maura F. Tobin and Steven D. Taff
Self-perceived Versus Supervisor-rated Technical Competence in Plain Film X-ray Evaluation by Newly Graduated radiographers: Implications for Curriculum Development and Practice in Zambia
James M. Sichone, Michael Chigunta, Aubrey Kalungia, Phanny Nankonde, Patrick Kaonga, Gershom Chongwe, and Sekelani Banda
Forecasting Interest in Health Professions Education Based on Relative Search Volume Trends From the Philippines
Junhel Dalanon and Yoshizo Matsuka
An Ecological Systems Approach to Exploring Facilitators and Barriers to Success for Minority Students Enrolled in a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Keshrie Naidoo, Heather Yuhaniak, and Yolanda Abel