
Volume 6, Issue 2 (2020)

Editorial Board


Original Research Reports


Mindfulness Training: Success in Reducing First Year Health Professional Students’ Study and Exam Related Stress
Simone J. Ross, Kimberley Owens, Andrew Roberts, Ernest Jennings, and Martina Mylrea


Quality of Life and Stress Level Among Health Professions Students
Abdulmalik M. Alkatheri, Rami T. Bustami, Abdulkareem M. Albekairy, Abdalrhman H. Alanizi, Rawan Alnafesah, Hind Almodaimegh, Abdullah Alzahem, Khalid Aljamaan, Sultan Zurnuq, and Amjad M. Qandil


Virtual Dissection: Alternative to Cadaveric Dissection for a Pregnant Nurse Anesthesia Student
Nicholas B. Washmuth, Terri Cahoon, Katrina Tuggle, and Ronald N. Hunsinger


Factors Associated With Intention to Pursue Pharmacy Residency: The Undecided Student Issue
Parna Haghparast, Damien Fisher, Benjamin Lewing, and Sujit S. Sansgiry


Developing Workforce Diversity in the Health Professions: A Social Justice Perspective
Kirsten Wilbur, Cyndy Snyder, Alison C. Essary, Swapna Reddy, Kristen K. Will, and Mary Saxon