Volume 5, Issue 1 (2019)
Editorial Board
Fifty Years of Problem-based Learning
Henk Schmidt
Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework for Health Literacy Training in Health Professions Education
Carla Saunders, Debra Palesy, and Joanne Lewis
Original Research Reports
Effectiveness of Online Teaching for Development of Resident Beliefs and Understandings: A Study on Breaking Bad News to Patients
Samar A. Ahmed, Soha K. Ashry, and Guy Widdershoven
Junior Occupational Therapy Clinical Supervisors in an Acute Hospital: Experiences, Challenges, and Recommendations
Charmaine Krishnasamy, Eugenia Pereira, and Heidi Tan Siew Khoon
Fifty Years on: A Retrospective on the World's First Problem-based Learning Programme at McMaster University Medical School
Virginie F.C. Servant-Miklos
Experience of and Attitudes toward Research among Pharmaceutical Sciences and PharmD Students in Saudi Arabia
Rahaf Ali Alqahtani, Malak Abdulaziz Aldahash, Shahad Abdulsalam Alhulail, Mohammed Yahya Alzahrani, Lama Alfehaid, and Hind Almodaimegh
A Simple Methodology for Discerning Item Construction Flaws in Health Professions Examinations
Kenneth D. Royal, Mari-Wells Hedgpeth, and Lysa P. Posner
Capacity and Non-Compliance: Mental Wellness Modules in a Community Health Worker Certification Course
Erica Hua Fletcher and Daniel M. Price
Exploring the Role of Infographics for Summarizing Medical Literature
Lynsey J. Martin, Alison Turnquist, Brianna Groot, Simon Y.M. Huang, Ellen Kok, Brent Thoma, and Jeroen J.G. van Merriënboer